Besides text and the graphics you're creating, you're going to need a protection and backup alternative for your site. rename your login url to secure your wordpress website is quite important, and if you back up your site and do not protect you could lose data and information which may be tough to restore. You don't want to have to start over from scratch once you've done all that work, so be sure you're secure.
Safeguard your login credentials - Don't keep your login credentials where a hacker might locate them. Store them off, and even offline. Roboform is good for protecting them, too. Food for thought!
Recently, the site of Reuters was hacked by an unknown hacker and posted a news article. Their look at here reputation is destroyed because of what the hacker did, since Reuters is a news website. In the event you don't pay attention on the security of your WordPress 20, the same thing may happen to you.
Make a note of your password! I suggest the paid or free version of the software that is secure *Roboform* to remember your passwords.
Implementing all the above will take less than an hour to finish, while making your WordPress site more resistant to intrusions. Websites were cracked last year, mainly due to easily preventable safety gaps. Have yourself prepared and you're likely to be on the safe side.